The Mayor's Office of Bogota, by means of Decree 162 of June 30, 2020, decided to continue the mandatory preventive isolation until July 16, 2020. In this regard, the movement of people and vehicles in the city of Bogotá is limited, with the exceptions provided in Article 3 of Decree 749 of 2020.
In addition to the above, the following measures were taken:
- Restriction to the identity card (Pico y cédula):
a. It applies to the entry to any establishment to acquire and pay for goods and services, buy any product at retail and wholesale, financial, banking and notary services, public attention in public entities and the provision of any kind of services, except health, pharmacy and funeral.
b. On odd-numbered days, people whose identity card ends in an even number will be able to access to establishments and services.
c. On even-numbered days, people whose identity card ends in an odd number will be able to access to establishments and services.
d. Only one person per family is allowed to purchase products and services, except in those notarial, banking, financial and administrative procedures for which the appearance of two or more persons is required, and for persons who serve as support for older adults, disabled persons or persons with special treatment. - General biosafety measures:
a. Use of mask when away from home.
b. Maintain a physical distance of at least two meters from other people. -
Biosafety measures for business owners in commercial establishments:
a. With clients:
i. Adopt the necessary logistics to (i) avoid crowding in the areas surrounding the commercial establishment, (ii) ensure physical distance in the rows inside and outside the establishment, (iii) prohibit the entry or stay of people who do not properly use the mask.
ii. To have glycerine alcohol for cleaning customers' hands.
iii. Clean and disinfect facilities and surfaces at least twice a day
iv. Guarantee a minimum distance of two meters between clients. If this cannot be guaranteed, only one customer can be served at a time.
v. Visibly indicate the maximum capacity of the place.
vi. Restrict the entry of people who do not comply with the “Pico y Cédula” measure.
vii. Establish a preferential schedule or conditions for the attention of people over 60 years old, pregnant women and medical and health sector personnel.
viii. Not making test products available to clients.
ix. If services are provided, the public attention will be available by scheduling appointments in advance.b. With employees:
i. Prohibit their personnel from entering the workplace when (i) they have been diagnosed with COVID-19, (ii) they have had contact with any person with symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19; (iii) they have symptoms compatible with COVID-19, (iv) they reside in an area declared by the Secretary of Health as special care.
ii. Comply with biosafety and occupational health and safety protocols.
iii. Always allow workers to have access to hand washing with soap and water at least every three hours and have glycerine alcohol available.
iv. Workers who attend the public must wear protective masks.
v. Modify the arrangement of workstations, shift organization, and other conditions to ensure a social distance of 2 meters between workers.
vi. Inform daily through the platform www.bogota.gov.co/reactivacion-economica if any of the workers present symptoms of COVID-19.
vii. If a worker presents symptoms of COVID-19 he or she should not be allowed to carry out their work and should remain at home for at least 8 days. -
Days without VAT:
a. The sale of household appliances, computers and communication equipment in commercial establishments located in Bogotá D.C. considered as large stores is suspended on July 3, 2020.
b. The people responsible for these establishments shall:
i. Announce in advance and in an appropriate manner the way the service will be provided on that day.
ii. Adopt the necessary logistics to avoid crowding in the areas surrounding the establishment.
iii. Schedule the delivery of products in person within 2 weeks from the date of purchase without VAT.