This protocol must be complemented with the general protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and with all the measures deemed necessary by those responsible for each center.
This protocol applies to those responsible for training and physical conditioning centers such as gyms, box, functional centers, and where physical exercise is made, their employees and suppliers, and their clients.
It is composed as follows:
1. Definitions
2. General biosecurity measures established in Resolution 666 of 2020
3. Specific biosecurity measures
3.1. Handwashing and hygiene
3.2. Social distancing
3.3. Mask use
4. Measures for training and physical conditioning centers
4.1. Locative measures for workplaces
4.1.1. Adequacy
4.1.2. Prohibit areas and demarcation and signposting of areas
4.2. Personal protection elements
4.3. Personal interaction
4.3.1. Interaction within facilities
4.3.2. Interaction during feeding periods
4.3.3. Interaction with third parties
4.3.4. Traveling to and from the fitness center When leaving home Upon returning home
4.3.5. Living with people at high risk
5. Communications plan
6. Prevention and management of contagion risk situations
7. Modalities of services provided
8. Cleaning and disinfection
9. Ventilation
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of the secretariat or municipal or district entity belonging to the municipality or district where the establishment is located. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding compliance with obligations by employers or by any another authority in the execution of its duties.
See full text of Resolution 1313 of 2020