March 24th, 2020

By means of Decree 457 of 2020, the Government restricted mobility of population with respect to hospitality activities, except for those activities concerning guests that are strictly necessary to prevent, mitigate and handle the health emergency caused by Coronavirus Covid-19. In addition, restaurant services located within hotels shall only be rendered to hotel guests.
Whenever performing prevention, mitigation and attention activities regarding the health emergency, the hotel staff must follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections (ARI), as set forth under Instruction 12 of 2020, which include:
- Inform and train employees and third parties that render services to the hotel, hostel or lodging regarding the recognition of signs and symptoms of the disease, as well as the preventive measures of Covid-19.
- Implement necessary contingency procedures in case guests are identified with symptoms compatible to Covid-19, including the assignment of a space withdrawn from other guests or hotel employees and the procurement of protective elements (medical masks).
- Installation of signs in public areas to disclose preventive measures regarding Covid-19.
- Establish communication channels for guests and visitors to inform the hotel staff of any health problem in order to undertake the required control measures.
- Evaluate the possibility of closing temporarily public areas and the cancellation of events that entail mass gatherings.
- Consider the isolation and quarantine requirements regarding persons that arrive to Colombia from China, Italy, France and Spain from March 10, 2020, as set forth under Resolution 380 of 2020 by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. This shall be applicable up to May 30, 2020.