Within the framework of the bidding process for the development of Research Projects on the use of the Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing technique with Horizontal Drilling in Non-Conventional Oilfields - FHPH, the National Hydrocarbons Agency published a schedule modification.

ANH modifica cronograma para selección de proyectos no convencionales

Within the framework of the bidding process for the development of Research Projects on the use of the Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing technique with Horizontal Drilling in Non-Conventional Oilfields - FHPH ("CEPI Bidding Process"), the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published the schedule modification regarding the disclosure and information phase, as follows:

Disclosure and Information Phase


Date / Term

Opening of the selection process


Publication of the draft terms of reference, forms, annexes, guidelines, and instructions.


Comments and suggestions to the draft terms of reference, forms, annexes, guidelines, and instructions.

09/15/2020 to 09/23/2020

Publication of the draft contract


Comments and suggestions to the draft contract

09/21/2020 to 09/28/2020

Answers to comments and suggestions to the draft terms of reference draft and its annexes, including those made regarding the draft contract


Publication of the definitive terms of reference


Publication of the land map with the areas of the offered for research projects and to be submitted to the coordination and concurrence procedure


Determination and delimitation of the offered research project areas



Please click on the following link to see the schedule of the CEPI Bidding Process: 


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