We help foundations which require legal work to operate, by rendering them free advice. During 2016, we rendered more than 3,600 hours of pro bono advice and were recognized by Latin Lawyer and the Vance Center as the leading firm in Colombia for pro bono work.




in an alliance with La Salle University, we have designed the program “Silvia Umaña Durán”, where we have strengthened legal and administrative knowledge of more than 150 students who have been victims of the armed conflict and are beneficiaries of the Utopía project. These students have scholarships and based upon the principle “learn by doing”, they study, work and live on campus, being the only campus in Colombia which allows its students to create a new future for them and their families.

Soberana Orden de Malta

Soberana Orden de Malta

One of our commitments as a pro-bono firm, is to cooperate with international agents so that our work can cross borders and achieve justice as much as possible.

Todos por la Educación

Todos por la Educación

we advise “Todos por la Educación”, a citizen movement that seeks to mobilize all stakeholders and sectors of society, to make education a national priority. In 2017, “Todos por la Educación” received a prize as one of “the 10 best leaders of the country” granted by Semana Magazine and the Leadership and Democracy Foundation.