We advise on the management of crisis processes, with a multidisciplinary approach and aligned with our clients’ business vision.
Turnaround Strategies identify the stage of the critical cycle in which the company is in, to define a joint action plan and execute it.
To know if a company that is going through financial difficulty should make use of a transformation strategy, it is necessary to ask yourself several questions:
- Do I have the capability to respond to different stress scenarios?
- How long can I operate considering my cashflow and spending patterns?
- What resources are available and how quickly can they be accessed?
- How stable is the customer base and what percentage of concentration is there in a customer sector?
- What is the portfolio turnover and how is it performing against budget?
- Who are the main suppliers? What’s their situation?
The alternatives created by these strategies are summarized in 4 stages that vary according to the level of complexity and risk that the company is going through: Business Relief, Mediation and Negotiation, Reorganization and Liquidation.
Our interdisciplinary team advises on all stages of the turnaround strategy, together with strategic allies (technical and financial) that allow us to meet the needs of our clients in a comprehensive manner.
Audits in intellectual property
- Audit of intangible assets (distinctive signs, new creations, copyrights, industrial secrets, domain names and contracts associated with intellectual property).
- Website audits.
- Audits of advertising pieces, promotional contents, labeling and product design.
- Verification of labeling and advertising of regulated topics before the INVIMA.
Mediation and Negotiation
- Emergency negotiation.
- Business recovery.
- Pre-agreement Law 1116.
- Negotiation with financial entities (out of court).
- Strategic advice to the debtor or creditors - National or Cross-border Insolvency.
- Negotiation of reorganization agreements - Law 1116 / Takeover.
- DIP Financing.
- Relief mechanisms:
- Discharge of liabilities
- Capitalization of liabilities
- Protection of shareholders' assets.
- Protection of administrators.
- Assignment of assets - assignment rules.
- Distressed M&A - Purchase of ongoing business / Purchase of claims.
- Capitalization and sale of assets.