April 21st, 2020

In accordance with the schedule of the Permanent Bidding Process ("PPAA"), the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published on April 17 the final list of qualified companies to participate in the fourth cycle of this process, with which it is expected to reactivate the economy in Colombia. 

Qualified companies add up to a total of 29, among which are important oil companies such as: Canacol Energy, Frontera Energy Colombia, Ecopetrol and Ecopetrol Costa Afuera, Parex Resources Colombia, Gran Tierra Energy Colombia, Geopark Colombia, Occidental Colombia, Andina and Condor, Mansarovar Energy Colombia, ONGC Videsh Limited and Amerisur Exploración Colombia. 

Geoproduction Oil and Gas, Cepsa Colombia, Aspect Holdings, Hunt Overseas Oil Company, Hocol, Unión temporal La Luna-Captiva, Noble Energy, Hupecol Oriente Colombian Holdings, Colombia Energy Development, Interoil Colombia Exploration and Production, Vetra Exploración y Producción Colombia, Petróleos Sud Americanos, CNOOC Petroleum Colombia, Lewis Colombia, Ismocol and Pluspetrol Colombia are also part of this list. 

The ANH has not yet published dates corresponding to the stages that will take place in this fourth cycle; however, Addendum No. 10 to the PPAA had already established that such qualified companies will have the possibility of requesting the incorporation of a certain area to the PPAA. In order for their application to be resolved on the next date of publication of areas, that is July 2020, companies must submit their application for incorporation by May 4, 2020. 

To check the final list of qualified companies in this fourth cycle of the PPAA, please click on the following link: http://www.anh.gov.co/Asignacion-de-areas/Documentos%20PPAA/Lista%20definitiva%20de%20habilitados%2017%20abr%202020.pdf

To check the Terms of References of the PPAA, please click on the following link: http://www.anh.gov.co/Asignacion-de-areas/Documentos%20PPAA/TRD%20PPAA.%20Adenda%20No.%2010.%2025.03.2020.pdf

Fore more information regarding the Addendum No. 10 to the PPAA, please click on the following link: http://www.anh.gov.co/Asignacion-de-areas/Documentos%20PPAA/Cronograma%20TRD%20PPAA.%20Adenda%20No.%2010.%2025.03.20.pdf


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