Standardization of criteria for environmental licensing

The Circular Letter issued by ANLA establishes guidelines and standardizes the applicability criteria regarding the instruments, rules and tools that are part of the administrative process of environmental licensing, especially in relation to evaluation and decision making.  

According to the Circular Letter, users must use the MGEPEA adopted by Resolution 1503 of 2010 or the MGEPEA adopted by Resolution 1402 of 2018, depending on the date of commencement of the environmental study. For studies prepared before August 2nd, 2020, the MGEPEA -2010 should be used, and for studies prepared after August 3rd, 2020, the MGEPEA - 2018 should be used. It is important to highlight that environmental studies must comply with the transition terms indicated in Resolutions 1402 of 2018 and 629 of 2020; and that both versions of the MGEPEA cannot be applied simultaneously in the same study. 

Finally, the Circular Letter establishes that when it is intended to develop collection activities, such as capture, removal or temporary or definitive extraction from the natural environment of specimens of biological diversity, within the framework of environmental licensing, in the preparation of the EIA and its complements, the request for a permit must not be included, but the corresponding management measures for prevention, mitigation, correction and/or compensation derived from the execution of the project, work or activity must be included.

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