The Decree issued by the MinAgricultura aims to design, formulate and implement a comprehensive public policy to reduce losses and waste in the food supply chain and to contribute to the provisions of Law 1990 of 2019, as well as to generate strategies for the coordination and articulation of actions aimed at its implementation by the competent entities.
The regulation establishes that the Intersectoral Commission for Food and Nutritional Security (hereinafter "CISAN"), and the other entities of the national government that have competence, must draw up an action plan for the implementation of the Public Policy every two (2) years. This action plan shall respond to the development and strengthening of, among others, the capacities of producer organisations, their financing, risk management, productivity of the sector and sustainable development. In addition, it will implement processes that favour the health and safety of agricultural products, land formalization processes, increase the use of technological offers in agricultural production processes, and the articulation of the Integrated Plan for Climate Change Management in the Agricultural Sector (PIGCCS).
Finally, the Decree establishes alternatives for the use of food through donations, improvement of infrastructure and good practices for storage, distribution, and commercialization within the framework of programs offered by the national government.