Colombia becomes one of the first countries to comply with the commitments ratified at COP26, by being part of the "Global Methane Pledge", an initiative in which the participating countries agree to take voluntary actions aimed at reducing global emissions of methane by at least 30% by 2030. Through the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia adopts this Resolution in search of reducing the waste of natural gas to contribute to the mitigation measures against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the exploration and production of natural gas.
The issuance of this regulation represents progress in the Comprehensive Climate Change Management Plan adopted through Resolution 40807 of 2018, which, in its strategic purpose on fugitive emissions management, seeks to reduce up to 2.7 million tons of CO2.
This Resolution regulates the use of natural gas, establishing the obligation of hydrocarbon producers to carry out the necessary studies for its efficient use. On the other hand, it establishes that natural gas waste is prohibited in Colombia and provides certain situations that this authority considers natural gas waste during hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities.
The Resolution establishes the scenarios in which burning and venting of gas is allowed in the stages of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons , as well as the technical parameters to execute efficiently and responsibly these activities, when expressly authorized.
Finally, the natural gas leaks detection, quantification, repair and control in respect to the activities performed on natural gas exploration and exploitation fields are regulated. The detection and repair programs to prevent leaks are regulated by this Resolution as well as the elements included therein, as well as the reports that must be delivered to the Colombian authorities.
La Resolution can be reviewed in the following link