In order to promote the growth and sustainable development of the Colombian mining sector in a framework of technical, environmental and social responsibility and in development of the mining rounds, the National Mining Agency - ANM published for comments the terms of reference that would regulate the coal mining round, as well as the minutes of the concession contract for the exploration and exploitation of such mineral.
These documents set forth the minimum participation requirements for the selection process, the qualification factors, the special obligations of the concessionaire and may define the minimum economic considerations in addition to the royalties for the award of Strategic Mining Reserve Areas.
The documents are available at the following link: https://www.anm.gov.co/?q=documentos_para_comentarios_ciudadania; and interested citizens may suggest comments and observations until March 22nd, 2022 through the following e-mails: cristina.becerra@anm.gov.co and juan.ruiz@anm.gov.co
Finally, the ANM will dictate training course for the qualification of companies aiming to participate in the coal mining round on March 11th, 2022. Registrations are open at: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YhIyfZLwhE67fJe8VCG9KxGV8zNx-wNAhanHbt7dwMtUNVNIWlRQUzA0NFNTQkZDSFVOT0FYTDNDUy4u&web=1&wdLOR=c49949BEF-25B4-40B5-AEAC-F6E6D063BC32