July 28, 2020

In compliance with the article 8 of the Colombian Administrative Procedure Code related to the obligation of the authorities to maintain available to all interested parties the complete and updated information, of the  regulatory projects and the information used to build them, in order to receive opinions, suggestions or alternative proposals, the MME published the Draft Resolution “establishing technical criteria for offshore hydrocarbons exploitation projects in Colombia.”  (the “Draft Resolution”).

The Draft Resolution seeks to establish the technical requirements for the execution of offshore hydrocarbons exploration and production projects and activities in order to promote a safe, sustainable, and responsible development of the oil & gas industry.

Such requirements are mandatory for all operators that, within the framework of a contract or agreement signed with the National Hydrocarbons Agency or with Ecopetrol S.A., develop drilling, well intervention, and offshore hydrocarbons production activities under the seabed in shallow, deep and ultra-deep waters of the Colombian territory. 

It should be noted that exploration and exploitation projects to be developed within six months following the date of issuance of the resolution, can be executed under the requirements established in Resolutions 181495 of 2009,  40048 of 2015,  41251 of 2016, and those that modify or replace them, that are in force at the time of submission of the drilling application.

The Draft Resolution and the supporting document can be found at the following link: https://www.minenergia.gov.co/foros?idForo=24220562

Until Thursday July 30, 2020, the MME will receive the observations, comments and proposals to the Draft Resolution through the following email: pciudadana@minenergia.gov.co

It is important to bear in mind that such observations, comments, and proposals shall be submitted in the relevant form available on the MME website.



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