The Superintendence of Finance issued resolution 368 of 2020 in which it adopted special measures for the attention of the public and the provision of services by this entity.
Through this regulation, the SFC ordered the resumption of terms of all the administrative actions carried out by the SFC, as of April 2, 2020. This decision does not apply with respect to the administrative sanctioning actions of the Delegations and the disciplinary processes that The Office of Disciplinary Control carries out, the terms for such said actions and processes will continue to be suspended. In this case, the suspension was extended until April 30, 2020.
Likewise, during the duration of the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in order to avoid contact between people and promote social distancing, the SFC has arranged the following communication channels to attend to the supervised entities and the general public:
- E-mail: super@superfinanciera.gov.co: Requests, requests for information, inquiries, responses to requests, resources and written complaints.
- Email for notifications: notificaciones_ingreso@superfinanciera.gov.co
- Email to obtain information on jurisdictional functions: jurisdiccionales@superfinanciera.gov.co
- Online complaint submission form: https://www.superfinanciera.gov.co/FormuleSuQueja/faces/registro/registro.xhtml
- Virtual site of the entities under surveillance (SIRI)
- Contact Center: (57 1) 307 8042
- Toll free line: 018000 120 100
- Chat: http://chat.superfinanciera.gov.co:8181/chat/faces/salaGeneral.xhtml
In this sense, all administrative acts issued by the competent officials of the SFC will be notified and/or communicated electronically, through the email correspondencia@superfinanciera.gov.co. For this purpose, those interested in any action or process that begins after April 1, 2020 must indicate the electronic address at which they will receive notifications and communications, and with the sole filing it will be understood that they have given their authorization for the electronic notification.
For the processes that are in progress, the interested parties must inform, to the emails super@superfinanciera.gov.co or notificaciones_ingreso@superfinanciera.gov.co, the email address where they will receive the notifications or communications of the process.