Bearing in mind the measures adopted by the National Government to contain the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, by means of External Circular 100-000003 of 2020 dated March 17, 2020, the Superintendence of Companies amended the deadlines for the filing of financial statements as of 2019 referred to in number 1 of the External Circular No. 201-000008 dated November 22, 2019.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, by means of Decree 434 of 2020, granted an additional term for the renewal of the merchant’s registration and the other registries of the Single Business and Social Register (RUES) and to hold the ordinary meetings of the assemblies and other collegiate bodies.

By means of External Circular Letter 100-000003 dated March 17, 2020, the Superintendence of Companies amended the deadlines referred to in number 1 of External Circular No. 201-000008 of November 22 of 2019 for the filing of the financial statements as of 2019. Based on the above, depending on the last two digits of the NIT, the maximum period for filing the information would be between April 14 and May 12, 2020.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism by means of Decree 434 of 2020 granted special terms for the compliance of the following obligations:
1. Renewal of the merchant’s registry, the RUNEOL (National Unique Registry of Operating Entities of Pay Roll Loans) and the other registries of the Single Business and Social Register (RUES) (except for the Unique Registry of Bidders (RUP)): Until July 3, 2020. The Chambers of Commerce must send, within the month following the expiration of the said term, the list of the merchants and registrants who breached said obligation to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.
2. Renewal of the Unique Registry of Bidders (RUP): No later than the fifth business day of July 2020.
3. Membership to the Chamber of Commerce: No later than July 3, 2020.
4. Ordinary meetings of the assemblies and other collegiate bodies corresponding to the year 2019: May be held no later than the month following the date in which the health emergency declared by the National Government ends. If the meeting is not summoned, then may meet on their own right, on the first business day following the expiration of the above mentioned period, at 10 a.m., in the offices of the main domicile where the management of the company operates.