On December 28, 2018, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS for its acronym in Spanish) issued Decree 2462, according to which projects for the exploration and use of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal and tidal) with a capacity equal or greater than 10MW, are exempted from filing the Environmental Diagnosis of Alternatives Study (DAA by its acronym in Spanish).

Renewable Energy Projects exempted from the DAA

On December 28, 2018, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - MADS issued Decree 2462 by which a transitory paragraph was added to paragraph 7 of article of Decree 1076 of 2015.

This new paragraph rules that projects aiming at exploring or making use of renewable energy sources (particularly solar, wind, geothermal and tidal) with a capacity equal or greater than 10MW, are exempted from filing the Environmental Diagnosis of Alternatives Study (DAA by its acronym in Spanish). According to this modification, the obligation to file a DAA remains in force for biomass energy projects only.

In addition, the new paragraph clarifies that the ongoing proceedings to file or to analyze DAA´s already submitted shall be terminated upon the request of the beneficiary of the project. 

This new regulation is intended to foster renewable energy projects in Colombia by means of facilitating the environmental proceedings applicable. The latter, in accordance with the rules and instructions set by the Colombian Green Growth Policy adopted by the CONPES 3934 of 2018.

The decree entered in full force upon its publication in the Official Gazzete.



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