The President issued Decree 2106 of 2019, by means of which regulations to simplify, supress and modify unnecessary procedures and processes existent in the public administration were issued, including some of employment and social security nature.
Se dictan normas para simplificar, suprimir y reformar trámites

On November 22nd, 2019, the President issued Decree 2106 (the “Decree”) to simplify, suppress and modify certain unnecessary procedures and processes that exist in the Public Administration, with the purpose to guarantee effectiveness, through easy, agile, coordinated, modern and digital procedures and processes. 

The Decree applies to all organisms, entities and individuals that integrate the Public Administration, and to particulars who comply administrative or public duties. 
In employment and Social Security matters, the Decree regulated the following: 

  • The authorities that have as duties to validate the degrees legally requested for the exercise of certain professions or occupations must create a centralized, public and of free consultation record, with the information of the citizens that have been enrolled or with the requests that are in force and effect. 
  • During the six months following the entry into force of the Decree, the Government will standardize the terms, procedures, requirements and forms that are currently requested by: 
    • The Pension Administrators of the Public and Private Regimes to perform the procedures related with the recognition of pensions by the General System of Social Security. 
    • Public entities and administrator funds of unemployment aid to perform the procedures related with the recognition and total or partial payment of the unemployment saving aid. 
  • The entities will verify the payments performed by contractors to the Social Security Integral System, by means of the technological tool disposed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. In consequence, contractors will not request to their contracting parties (individuals) the physical payment slip of such contributions. 
  • Companies considered as of high risk will no longer have to register themselves as such before the Ministry of Labor. 
  • In a term of less than 12 months following the entry into force of the Decree, the Ministry of Education will implement a consultation system that contains the reported information of individuals enrolled in establishments of preschool, basic, medium and superior education. The means of consultation must be at the disposition of the entities that administer, recognize or pay pensions, for them to verify schooling for purposes of the benefits of the survivor’s pension and to consult the information with respects to students between 18 years and 25 years, which is reported by education institutions. 

This information must also be available for the family compensation bureaus, with the purpose to verify and consult schooling of the beneficiaries.

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