National Authority for Environmental Licenses ("ANLA")
Through Resolution 00642, the ANLA modified the provisions of Resolutions 00461 and 00470 of 2020, by adding to the suspension of the terms of the first and second instance disciplinary proceedings before the ANLA the suspension of the terms in the administrative procedures containing face-to-face services that, according to the same administrative act, the ANLA does not have a replacement communication channel, unless the person interested in the process of issuing or modifying the instrument and environmental control assumes its availability through the information and communication technologies following current regulations, so that effective citizen participation in such actions is guaranteed.
Additionally, through Resolution 00770, the ANLA provided that for administrative collection acts issued between March 25 and October 31, 2020, as a consequence of the provision of the environmental monitoring service, the obligors may choose to a period of two (2) calendar months additional to those provided for in this article, to cancel the liquidation of the Administrative Act of Collection.
It is essential to highlight that the ANLA has NOT generally suspended the terms of its environmental administrative procedures. This, since the provisions that regulate said procedures maintain their validity and obligation; This also implies that the requirements for applications for licenses, permits, and environmental procedures remain in force and remain binding.
The suspended services for temporary attention are:

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development ("MADS")
Requests can be made through the page servicioalciudadano@minambiente.gov.co. Also, customer service is suspended until April 13, 2020.
Autonomous Corporation of Boyacá ("CORPOBOYACÁ")
Through Resolution 733 of April 2020, CORPOBOYACÁ extended and added additional measures to those adopted through Resolution No. 720.
Also, the suspension of the terms of the administrative procedures, including face-to-face services, is ordered until zero hours on April 27, 2020, or for the term established by the rule that modifies, replaces, adds, or revokes it. The suspension applies, among others, to:
- Summons for personal notification in the case of files and communications prior to the order of mandatory preventive isolation, pending submission of communication for personal notification.
- The terms of notification of procedures and administrative actions that depend on the diligence of personal notification when the notification cannot be made electronically.
- The terms of the first and second instance disciplinary actions.
- Environmental sanction processes established in Law 1333 of 2009.
- Environmental quality laboratory services.
Attention to procedures, obtaining information, requesting services, filing petitions, complaints, claims, and / or reports may be filed at the email ousuario@corpoboyaca.gov.co.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Caldas ("CORPOCALDAS")
Through Resolution No. 0576, CORPOCALDAS decided to extend the effects of the provisions contained in Resolutions No. 0493, 0481, and March 2020, in which it was ordered the suspension of the terms of administrative actions that involve visiting practices to resolve requests for permits, authorizations, concessions, environmental licenses, procedures, sanctions, and resources from March 16.
Also, it was extended the terms to resolve the requests for information, which entails the practice of technical visits.
The following communication channels have been enabled:
- Greenline 01 8000 968 813
- Email: corpocaldas@corpocaldas.gov.co and quejasyreclamos@corpocaldas.gov.co
Chivor Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CORPOCHIVOR”)
There will be no customer service starting March 19th. The authority established the reception of requests via email through https://www.corpochivor.gov.co/ and the emails contactenos@corpochivor.gov.co and radicacicion@corpochivor.gov.co
Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Center of Antioquia ("CORANTIOQUIA")
The entity announced the suspension of customer service at its main headquarters and territorial offices in person.
The following are some of the measures that will be applied while the state of sanitary emergency lasts due to the new coronavirus COVID 19, which is valid throughout the national territory until May 30, 2020, according to Resolution 385 of March 12, 2020, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
- Immediate processing of requests for water concessions
The Corporation will prioritize and immediately process applications for surface and groundwater concessions submitted by municipalities, districts, or persons providing the aqueduct domiciliary public service, as appropriate.
- An automatic extension to water concessions that expire during the health emergency
The water concessions granted to the providers of domiciliary public aqueduct services that are about to expire or that expire while the declaration of the sanitary emergency is maintained shall be understood to be automatically extended, and only for the duration of the declaration of said emergency.
The providers of domiciliary public aqueduct services, to whom the water concession has expired, and are interested in using the resource while the declaration of the sanitary emergency in reference is maintained, must request the respective concession.
- Prospecting and exploring groundwater without permission
Groundwater prospecting and exploration activities may be carried out without permission, provided that the geoelectrical information of the project's area of influence is previously available, as well as the registration and endorsement of the Corporation of the site to be drilled, for their respective control and monitoring.
Once the required prospecting and exploration has been carried out, the corresponding groundwater concession must be requested from the Corporation.
- A minimum rate for public aqueduct service providers
The providers of the domiciliary public aqueduct service will be applied to the minimum rate multiplied by the coefficient of the respective use.
Likewise, and to provide information on the status of the procedures and to attend to the requests, complaints, and claims of users, the Corporation has made the following virtual media available:
• atencionalciudadano@corantioquia.gov.co
• corantioquia@corantioquia.gov.co
Cundinamarca Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CAR”)
Through Resolution No. 20207100826 of June 2, 2020, the CAR extended until July 1, 2020, the time during which the suspension of terms is maintained in certain environmental sanctioning processes and in other administrative actions related to permissive procedures, environmental licensing, concessions, authorizations, environmental management plans, plans for restoration and/or environmental recovery and certifications that are established in Law 99 of 1993, as well as Decree 1076 of 2015, and the sanctioning processes found in Law 1333 of 2009.
Additionally, other administrative and customer service measures are provided.
Autonomous Regional Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys (“CVS”)
Through Resolution No. 7150 of April 2020, the environmental authority adopts the modality of work from home for all officials and contractors for the term of the mandatory isolation decreed by the President of the Republic.
Also, the suspension of the procedural terms for legal effects of the administrative actions that are carried out in the CVS, in development of its functions, is ordered for the term of the mandatory isolation decreed by the President of the Republic.
The procedures or processes enshrined in Resolutions 2-7125 of March 18, 2020 and 2-7144 of March 24, 2020 may continue to be attended to virtually.
The attention of requests for modification or transfer, requests, complaints, claims and requests will be made through the website in the link of services to the citizen and option requests, complaints and claims, or via institutional emails for the submisson of requests: cvs@cvs.qov.co.
The aforementioned resolution is effective as of its issuance and will remain in force until the mandatory isolation decreed by the President of the Republic lasts.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Orinoquía ("CORPORINOQUIA")
Through Resolution 120.36-20-0417 of May 2020, the authority decided to extend the measures adopted by Resolutions No. 400.36-20-0412 and No. 400.36-20-0408 of April 2020, through which the suspension of customer service in person is maintained in all its locations, and the suspension of the procedural terms is extended, in the administrative sanctioning, disciplinary and coercive collection processes and other administrative actions in process and that require the computation of terms, until May 25, 2020.
Concerning the sanctioning processes, during the validity of the national sanitary emergency declared on the occasion of COVID-19, the following aspects must be considered in the sanctioning procedures:
a) When the evidentiary stage has not been carried out, the processes must be suspended in the state in which they are subject to justified reason.
b) If the evidentiary stage has already been carried out or the process is for the resolution of the resources presented in the term, the respective procedure must be continued through the virtual means arranged for it.
c) The decisions that are adopted will be the subject of the electronic notification referred to in Article 4 of Decree 491 of 2020.
d) After a justified justification, the terms regarding the follow-up of the preventive measures imposed involving technical visits on site will be suspended.
Likewise, it is established that the suspension of the terms implies the interruption of the terms of expiration and prescription of the different processes carried out by the corporation.
Autonomous Regional Corporation for the Defense of the Bucaramanga Plateau (“CDMB”)
Through Resolution 0221 of April 2020, the CDMD decided to extend the measures adopted by the same corporation through Resolutions 200 and 213, in the understanding of accepting the guidelines of the national government and consequently orders the suspension of face-to-face care in the corporation's facilities, the suspension of field visits and non-urgent techniques, as well as the suspension of the terms within the environmental, sanctioning, coercive collection and administrative disciplinary processes.
These measures will remain in force as long as the declaration of Emergency by the national government subsists.
Risaralda Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CARDER”)
Through Resolution 292 of April 27, 2020, CARDER extended the measures adopted through Resolutions No. 278, 266, 258, 259, 240 and 239 through which the environmental authority established that, for the processes Subject to terms, these are suspended until the restrictions imposed on the occasion of the declaration of emergency are lifted, and other determinations are adopted.
Likewise, the following virtual attention channels were enabled:
- carder@carder.gov.co
- www.carder.gov.co
Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Negro and Nare River Basins (“CORNARE”)
Through Resolution No. 112-1130-2020, CORNARE extended the ffects of the Resolution No. 112-0984-2020, by which the authority suspended the terms of environmental administrative procedures and environmental licensing, environmental sanctioning procedures, control and monitoring of environmental licenses, permits and authorizations, debt collection, requests of information, disciplinary processes of the Corporation's competence, from March 24, 2020 and indefinitely. Notwithstanding the preceding, procedures regarding the request of information will continue to be attended, as long as they do not involve visits or face-to-face meetings.
Also, presential customer service is suspended and virtual channels to attend requests are introduced and are: (i) phone number 520 11 70 Ext 212, 213 and 214, and (ii) cliente@cornare.gov.co.
Atlantic Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CRA”)
Through Resolutions 0123, 0124, 0132 and 0142 of 2020, the environmental authority suspended the terms until the State of Emergency decreed by the National Government is lifted in matters that are within the competence of the CRA, as well as in the administrative terms in the processes, except for the actions required in consgtitutional actions and the technical commissions to the municipalities, companies, among others.
The following communication channels were enabled: national toll free line 01-8000-110-112 or through the email: peticiones@crautonoma@gov.co.
To file a request, email it to the email: peticiones@crautonoma@gov.co
Quindío Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CRQ”)
Through Resolution No. 516 of April 2020, the CRQ decided to suspend administrative and procedural terms from April 14 to April 26, 2020, in the environmental, disciplinary, and coercive jurisdiction proceedings of the CRQ.
Likewise, it is ordered to resume the administrative terms from April 14, 2020, in the different environmental procedures, petitions, consultations and other administrative actions that are in process in the different dependencies of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Quindío, for what which special parameters are established.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of the South of Bolívar (“CSB”)
Through Resolution No. 129 of March 16, 2020, the CSB resolves to suspend from this date the environmental administrative terms of all processes and/or procedures (licenses, permits, authorizations, administrative, environmental processes, among others) that derive from the functioning of the entity as an Environmental Authority.
Valle del Cauca Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CVC”)
Through Resolution 0100 No. 0100-0325-2020, the environmental authority modified Resolution 0100 No. 0100-0263-2020 and ordered:
1. When a permit, authorization, concession, environmental license, certifications, and other environmental control instruments expire during the term of the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the holder cannot advance the renewal process for the channels arranged for this purpose, will be understood automatically extended the permit, authorization, concession, environmental license, certification or instruments of environmental control for up to one (1) month, counted from the overcoming of the declared Health Emergency and extended by the competent authorities.
2. To continue until the end of the duration of the sanitary emergency, the suspension of the environmental terms, deadlines, conditions, and obligations, or information requirements ordered in cars, resolutions, communications, and in general of particular and general administrative acts, among others.
It also makes decisions regarding the terms in answering requests and establishes schedules and mechanisms for customer service.
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of La Mojana and San Jorge ("CORPOMOJANA")
Through Resolution No. 140 of March 18, 2020, the authority suspended from Thursday, March 19, 2020, the administrative environmental terms of all processes and/or procedures (licenses, permits, authorizations, environmental administrative processes, etc.) that derive from the full functioning of the entity as an environmental authority.
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Special Management Area of La Macarena (“CORMACARENA”)
Through Resolution PS-GJ., the authority ordered the continuation of the suspension of face-to-face care, ordered through Resolution PS-GJ., CORMACARENA established that the requests, Complaints, claims, requests, reports, and administrative procedures, during the indicated period, may be sent to the platform established for filing PQRSD on the website of the entity www.cormacarena.gov.co and to the email info @ cormacarena. gov.co.
Finally, it orders to suspend during the term of the health emergency, the practice of visits of ocular inspection, evaluation, control, and environmental monitoring of activities related to the use, exploitation, mobilization, processing and transformation and commercialization of renewable natural resources of All the administrative procedures initiated by this Environmental Authority, which must be carried out in the municipalities of the Meta department that do NOT present confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to a report by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Southern Amazon (“CORPOAMAZONÍA”)
The authority through Resolution 011 of March 17, 2020, has implemented various actions, temporary and exceptional, of a preventive nature to reduce the risk of spread of the COVID 19 coronavirus.
Among the measures is the temporary suspension of customer service for citizens throughout the country. For this, new information and communication technologies will be used to continue with the entity's services. For this purpose, the mail is available: correspondence@corpoamazonia.gov.co, the Citizen Service platform on the website: www.corpoamazonia.gov.co and the hotline: 3152370176, on business days and hours.
District Secretary of the Environment of Bogotá D.C. ("SDA")
Through Resolution 01095, the SDA continued the suspension of certain activities, administrative actions, and procedural terms in the administrative procedures covered by Resolutions No. 1069, 1009, 00919, 00785, and 00874 of 2020, until June 16, 2020, as well as lifted the suspension on other procedures.
The lifting of terms applies, among others, in the following actions:
1. Directorate for Environmental Control:
-Environmental sanctioning processes, except for administrative actions related to the initiation of the sanctioning process, the imposition of preventive measures, and preliminary inquiries in the terms and conditions established in Law 1333 of 2009.
2. Environmental Legal Directorate
-The inspection, surveillance, and control procedures of Non-Profit Entities, as well as sanctions.
-The direction of Corporate Management
-Processes of a contractual breach.
-Disciplinary processes.
The actions whose terms are still suspended are:
1. Environmental Control Directorate
-Environmental Licenses, Environmental Management Plans and Environmental Management, Recovery, and Restoration Plans.
-Environmental assessment, control, and monitoring visit scheduled within the framework of the functions of the Environmental Control Directorate and its sub-directorates.
-Environmental permits, concessions or authorizations for the use, exploitation and/or affectation of renewable natural resources, and other procedures that are carried out before the sub directions of the Directorate of Environmental Control.
-Administrative actions for the elaboration of the Joint Act between the District Secretary of the Environment and the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca, relative to the review of the possible affectations in the water resources and the biodiversity in the Protective Forest Reserve Bosque Oriental de Bogotá, in compliance with the ruling of Acción Popular 2005 - 0662 "Cerros Orientales," related to the issuance of urban planning licenses, as well as the actions associated with them that are dealt with by Decree 1077 of 2015.
Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area (“AMVA”)
Through Resolution 0597, the AMVA suspends customer service. To submit requests, please email to: atencionausuario@metropol.gov.co.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Santander (“CAS”)
Through Resolution DGL No. 000209, the CAS lifted the order for the suspension of terms in all the proceedings brought before the entity. Also, some administrative measures were imposed.
The enabled channels are:
direccion@cas.gov.co / administracionoferta@cas.gov.co contactenos@cas.gov.co / autoridadambiental@cas.gov.co / Planecion@cas.gov.co / secretariageneral@cas.gov.co / www.cas.gov.co / casencasa@cas.gov.co
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Magdalena ("CORPAMAG")
The environmental authority issued Resolution No. 820 of March 23, 2020, establishing that as of March 24 and until April 13, 2020, all the Corporation's workers must work from home.
Applications and requests will only be received via email: contactenos@corpamag.gov.co. Also, the terms to resolve this type of requests and petitions are suspended.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira ("CORPOGUAJIRA")
The environmental authority suspended customer service at the corporation's headquarters. The reception of requests, complaints, claims, requests, and complaints will be available through virtual channels previously set by the corporation on the entity's website.
Additionally, all commissions are suspended for the period from March 17 to April 17, 2020, except for situations that are within the jurisdiction of the Corporation and that are related to matters of ordinary and/or extraordinary environmental nature that requires urgent action will be available to officials for their attention.
Contact info: Email servicioalcliente@corpoguajira.gov.co; Phone number 310-631-8812 and via WhatsApp using the same number.
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of Urabá (“CORPOURABÁ”)
Through Resolution 445 of April 16, 2020, CORPOURABÁ extended the cessation of face-to-face activities of officers and contractors of the Corporation from April 13, 2020, on April 27, 2020, with the exceptions that correspond to the continuous and adequate provision of public service, this following the requirements of decree 531 of April 8, 2020, issued by the Ministry of the Interior.
E-mails were set up as enabled communication channels: evital@corpouraba.gov.co - corpouraba@corpouraba.gov.co and the website www.corpouraba.gov.co.
Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina (“CORALINA”)
Through Resolution No. 187 of May 2020, CORALINA ordered the continuation of the measures adopted through Resolutions No. 169, and 170 of April 13, 2020, regarding the Public Service Channels and the Prevention measures, issued in the framework and scope of the measures issued by the Ministry of Health.
Regional Autonomous Corporation for the Sustainable Development of Chocó (“CODECHOCÓ”)
With the issuance of Resolution 480 of 2020, the authority ordered the cessation of face-to-face care until April 13, 2020. Likewise, the authority made available the email contacto@codechoco.gov.co and the website www .codechoco.gov.co.
The suspension of the legal terms of the administrative actions that are the competence of CODECHOCÓ (permits, licenses, concessions, and authorizations) and environmental sanctioning administrative processes, coercive jurisdiction processes, preliminary conciliations, disciplinary processes and other administrative actions in processes were ordered and that require the computation of terms, from March 24 to April 13, 2020.
The suspension established by the authority does not cover payments for fines that are generated on the occasion of sanctioning processes, remuneration rate, water use rate, environmental percentage of taxes on property ownership (surcharge), transfers from the electricity sector, evaluation services of initiated procedures, follow-up services of permits, licenses, concessions, and authorizations granted and / or invoiced.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cesar (“CORPOCESAR”)
Through Resolution 0115 of April 2020, CORPOCESAR extended the effects of the Resolution 0112 of March 2020, through which the environmental authority suspended customer service in its dependencies and authorized home office for all its employees and contractors. Likewise, it was ordered to temporarily suspend the terms in the different processes, environmental, sanctioning, disciplinary, coercive collection, and rate billing, While the state of declared economic, social and ecological emergency is extended throughout the national territory, and taking into account Account the mandatory preventive isolation measures implemented by the Government Except for the resolution of appeals presented in term, which could be resolved, as long as the user authorizes the electronic notification.
The attention of requests, complaints, claims, and requests, can be received and answered virtually through the email atencionalciudadano@corpocesar.gov.co
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cauca (“CRC”)
Through Resolution 313 of March 2020, the CRC ordered the cessation of face-to-face care at its facilities until April 13, 2020. It also made available to citizens the emails crc@crc.gov.co and atencionalusuario@crc.gov.co
The suspension of the terms of the sanctioning administrative processes, coercive jurisdiction, disciplinary, and other administrative actions in process that require the computation of terms, was ordered from March 20 to April 13, 2020. The suspension of terms also covers the interruption of the expiration and prescription terms of the different processes carried out by the corporation.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena (“CORMAGDALENA”)
Through Resolutions 0088, 0097 0097, CORMAGDALENA ordered the suspension of the procedural terms in all administrative, disciplinary and coercive collection proceedings carried out by the Corporation until April 13, 2020. It also orders the suspension of customer service in all its offices.
The authority makes available the email contactociudadano@cormagdalena.gov.co for the reception of requests and requests.
Sucre Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CORSUCRE”)
The authority orders the cessation of face-to-face activities of officers and contractors of the Corporation from March 24, 2020, to April 13, 2020. The receipt of petition rights and guardianships will be handled through the email secretariageneral@carsucre.gov.co
Environmental administrative terms were suspended from all processes or procedures (licenses, permits, authorizations, administrative processes for coercive collection processes.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Northeast border (“CORPONOR”)
Through Resolution No. 234, CORPONOR extended the measures established in Resolutions No. 159, 191, 196, 197, 205, 223 and 224 of April 2020, through which the suspension of the terms was ordered in the administrative procedures of permits and the administrative sanctioning procedures that are carried out before the Corporation until the national emergency is lifted.
The previous, with the exception of the requests for the concession of surface and underground waters presented by the municipalities, districts or persons providing home public services that are destined for urban and rural aqueduct systems.
Also, the suspension of the terms is ordered in the administrative processes and actions related to the administrative collection processes.
Regional Autonomous Corporation of Nariño (“CORPONARIÑO”)
Through Resolution 255 of April 2020, the authority ordered the suspension of all procedural terms for the issuance of environmental licenses, permits, authorizations and concessions, environmental sanction processes, coercive collection, disciplinary processes, contractual settlement terms and the actions related to the imposition of fines, sanctions, and declarations of noncompliance indicated in article 86 of Law 1474 of 2011, filing and resolution of administrative appeals and other procedural terms from the date on which the attention to the public in CORPONARIÑO was suspended.
Finally, it is ordered to maintain the measures adopted in the implementation of work at home and the suspension of the practice of visits for any purpose. In any case, the terms of the administrative or jurisdictional actions will resume from the business day following the overcoming of the Sanitary Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in the terms established in Decree 491 of 2020.
Sucre Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CARSUCRE”)
Through Resolution 0047 of 2020, CARSUCRE modified Resolution No. 0443 of March 24, 2020, which orders the cessation of face-to-face activities of officers and contractors of the Corporation. On the suspension of terms, the suspension of environmental administrative terms was ordered for all processes and/or procedures (licenses, permits, authorizations, environmental sanctioning administrative processes, etc.), the administrative terms for the coercive collection processes that are also suspended.
- When a technical visit has already been carried out, the respective procedure will continue, in the phase in which it is, using the virtual means available to them.
- When a technical visit has not been carried out, and it is necessary to continue with the process, after a justified justification, the terms will be suspended in the state in which the respective process is found. The procedures related to water concessions for the provision of the public aqueduct service are excepted from this suspension, since this service constitutes an essential part of the measures adopted to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19, through the provision of water. Drinking for frequent hand washing and cleaning and disinfection in homes and public areas.
- In the case of requests for modification or assignment, the respective procedures must continue in the state in which they are, at all times if they can be supplied from the means available to carry them forward, and as long as the practice of visits is not necessary or, this has already been done.
Tolima Regional Autonomous Corporation (“CORTOLIMA”)
Through Resolution No. 699, CORTOLIMA extended some of the measures adopted through Resolutions No. 574 and 577 of 2020, in the understanding of suspending face-to-face customer service at the entity's facilities, as well as establishing exceptional rules for the suspension of terms in some procedures in charge of the corporation, terms that are suspended until June 30, 2020.
Likewise, the exits of the officials to field visits, meetings, commissions, training, and events, in general, are suspended, except for those strictly necessary.
The following means of contact were arranged:
Ventanilla@cortolima.gov.co; cortolima@cortolima.gov.co; notificacion.judicial@cortolima.gov.co.
Interactive chat on the website www.cortolima.gov.co