In order to promote the growth and sustainable development of the Colombian mining sector within a framework of technical, environmental and social responsibility, in which the Minerals of Strategic Interest that the country possesses are extracted rationally, under the best operational standards, the National Government through the National Mining Agency (“ANM”) publishes for comments the tender documents related to an objective selection process (“Rondas Mineras” or “Mining Rounds”) for the allocation of Exploration and Exploitation Special Contracts for Minerals in Strategic Mining Reserve Areas.
Interested parties must obtain a Qualification (Habilitacion) by meeting certain capacity requirements set in the ToR of the Mining Rounds, which include, legal, financial, technical, environmental and social corporate responsibility capacity requirements.
We highlight herein the prospected financial and technical capacity requirements to obtain the qualification, as established in the draft ToR:
The Participant must present a certificate for each of the following items:
Please refer to our newflash for further information on the Mining Rounds