Under the fourth cycle of the PPAA, interested parties may submit suggestions and recommendations to the ANH regarding (i) Agreement 02 of 2017; (ii) the terms of reference of the fourth cycle; and (iii) the contract minutes, in order to evaluate the possibility of implementing the adjustments to provide more favorable conditions to the interests of the country.

Cuarto ciclo del PPAA

Within the framework of the structuring process of the fourth cycle of the Permanent Bidding Process ("PPAA"), on December 11, 2020, the Vice-Presidency of Promotion and Area Allocation of the National Hydrocarbon Agency ("ANH"), published Circular No. 30 by which it calls upon the interested parties to submit their suggestions and recommendations on the aspects to be improved within the PPAA. 

For this purpose, the ANH identifies the following aspects, as examples:

1.    Concerning Agreement 02 of 2017 and the terms of reference of the PPAA:
(i)    Types and parameters of areas classification.
(ii)    Capacities and qualification requirements.
(iii)    Structure and dynamics of the contractor selection process, evaluation criteria, and proposal qualification.
(iv)    Evaluation mechanism of the offered exploratory program.
(v)    Exploration & Production (“E&P”) contract modalities.

2.    In respect to the contract’s minutes (Technical Evaluation Agreements (“TEA”) and E&P, onshore and offshore):
(i)    General conditions of the contracts in terms of periods, phases, and their components.
(ii)    Economic rights.
(iii)    Social investment and local supply of goods and services.
(iv)    Types of guarantees and replacement mechanisms.
(v)    Contractor's liability regime.
(vi)    Project information disclosure mechanisms and dialogue with communities.
(vii)    Special conditions for offshore operations and TEA.

The ANH will receive the suggestions until January 31, 2021; these must be submitted via e-mail to ppaa@anh.gov.co,  and in the formats designed for such purpose and published in the following link:


The ANH will review the suggestions and recommendations to evaluate the possibility of implementing the adjustments that this entity considers appropriate to provide more favorable conditions to the country's interests.



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