May 11th, 2022
Opening of Bids and Visits to the Strategic Coal Mining Areas 2022

The MM and the ANM announced that on May 25th, 2022, the opening to receive offers for the Strategic Coal Mining Areas "AEM" will take place; Interested investors may qualify through the ANNA mining application, only those firms that are qualified or in the process of qualification in accordance with Resolution 083 of 2021, as amended by Resolution 115 of 2021, may access the visit to know the conditions of the areas to be awarded, once the Special Exploration and Exploitation Contract is registered in the RMN.

To this effect, the qualified firms or in the process of qualification must apply the protocol for visits issued on April 25th , 2022, said protocol states that the interested party must express in writing its intention to visit the Strategic Mining Reserve areas for coal, by sending a request via email to the email address, which may not be requested beyond the deadline for visits to the territory (from April 19th  to May 19th ).

The request must contain at least the following information: Name and Nit of the company, name, ID number and contact information of the 5 assistants, the current EPS and ARL affiliation certificate and COVID 19 vaccination certificate with complete scheme for each assistant. Once the visit request has been filed, the ANM will inform the companies of the Prodeco Group three (03) working days prior to the scheduled date of the visit and will coordinate with the interested party the date and time of the visit, the confirmation will be informed to the companies of the Prodeco Group, three (03) working days prior to the effective date of the respective visit.

To learn about the 2022 Coal Mining Round and the Protocol for visits to the Coal AEMs, please access the following links:


For more information contact our team
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