October 11th, 2021
O&G Colombian Round: guide for the bidders’s registration

In the process of implementing the Blockchain technology in the Colombia Round, the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published the Guide for the Registration of Bidders in the platform that this entity created for this purpose (the "Guide"). 

The Guide details the steps that the companies qualified must follow to participate in the Colombia Round, being the first step the registration of the user responsible for the submission of the offer or counteroffer and the exercise of the right of option as initial bidder, if applicable. To perform this registration, the ANH will send an email to the qualified company, attaching a link to enter the platform where such registration will take place. 

With the implementation of Blockchain technology in the Colombia Round, the ANH aims to streamline its selective contracting processes, provide traceability to the contracts, and facilitate the interaction of the qualified companies with such agency. 

To learn more about the Guide, please click on the following link


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