The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 734, defining the criterion to determine which municipalities have not been affected by COVID-19 and adopting the biosecurity protocol to prevent the virus transmission in these municipalities.
According to this Resolution, it is understood that a municipality has not been affected by COVID-19 when it has no confirmed active cases. The Ministry will publish on its website the municipalities that are and are not affected by COVID-19, updating them daily. This information will be considered by the Government to authorize the lifting of the lockdown requested by the municipalities or to reject it.
Likewise, through this Resolution, the Ministry adopts the biosecurity protocol for the municipalities that have not been affected by COVID-19. This protocol is complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020, as well as to the protocols adopted by the Ministry for the development of different economic, social and public administration activities authorized by the National Government, and to the provisions ordered by departmental, district and municipal authorities.
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of the municipal or district mayor.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 737 adopting the biosecurity protocol for COVID-19 prevention in the following business and support activities:
- Maintenance and repair of computers and communications equipment (CIIU 951).
- Repair of furniture and accessories for home, and washing and cleaning, including dry cleaning of textile and leather products (only for delivery) (CIIU 9524 and 9601).
Likewise, the Ministry issued Resolution 738 adopting the biosecurity protocol for COVID-19 prevention in the manufacturing of:
- Electronic components and boards (CIIU 2610).
- Computers and peripheral equipment (CIIU 2620).
- Communication equipment (CIIU 2630).
- Consumer electronic devices (CIIU 2640).
- Optical instruments and photographic equipment (CIIU 2670).
- Machinery and equipment n.c.p. (CIIU 28).
- Vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers (CIIU 29).
- Other types of transport equipment (CIIU 30).
- Furniture, mattresses, and bed bases (CIIU 31).
These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020.
For the business and support activities listed above (R. 737), this protocol is also complementary to the measures adopted by those responsible for each activity.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for these activities includes the following measures:
1. General biosecurity measures established in resolution 666 of 2020
2. Locative measures
2.1. Adequacy
2.2. Maintenance and disinfection
3. Working tools and equipment
4. Personal protection elements
5. Handling of supplies and products
6. Waste management
7. Human capital
7.1. Interaction within facilities
7.2. Interaction in feeding times
7.3. Work organization alternatives
7.4. Interaction with third parties (suppliers, clients, allies, etc.)
7.5. Travel to and from the workplace
8. Communications plan
9. Prevention and management of contagion risk situations
9.1. Contagion prevention
10. Data bases
11. Monitoring of health status of staff, suppliers, customers, and allies (contagion situation)
For the manufacturing activities listed above (R. 738), this protocol is also complementary to the measures implemented by those responsible for the industry according to the activity.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
1. General biosecurity measures established in resolution 666 of 2020
2. Locative measures
2.1. Adequacy
2.2. Maintenance and disinfection
2.3. Working tools and equipment
2.4. Handling of supplies and products
3. Human capital
3.1. Interaction within facilities
3.2. Interaction with third parties
4. Specific measures for manufacturing activities of electronic components and boards; computers and peripheral equipment; communication equipment; consumer electronic devices; measurement, test, navigation, and control equipment; clocks; optical instruments and photographic equipment; and magnetic and optical means for data storage
5. Specific measures for the manufacturing activities of vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers; and other types of transportation equipment
6. Specific measures for the activities of manufacturing of furniture, mattresses, and bed bases.
Monitoring of compliance with these protocols is in charge of municipal or district secretariats or entities that belong to the corresponding economic activity of the municipality or district in which each it operates. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding compliance with obligations by employers or by any another authority in the executions of its duties.