The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 1507 of 2020, adopting the updating of the biosecurity protocol for the risk management and control of COVID-19 in activities related to the training and competition of the professional footballers, fixing precise rules in the field of health, both for the group training stage as for the stage of competition, at national and international level, avoiding the agglomerations pursuant to terms which have been determined by local authorities.
Scope of application
This protocol applies to:
i. Professional footballers linked to the clubs grouped by the Dimayor and recognized by the Colombian Football Federation.
ii. National teams, local and international, affiliated to the CONMEBOL and the FIFA.
iii. Coaches and logistics staff minimum required for practicing sports.
iv. It is also applying to the people who are liable of the sporting venues where the sport´s training and competitions take place.
Protocol's nature
This protocol is complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020, to the protocol designed for the training of high-performance athletes, professionals and recreational, to the protocol determined by the Resolution 993 of 2020 for the risk management and control of COVID-19 in activities related to the training and competition of the professional footballers, and the other measures that the Colombian Football Federation deems necessary.
Protocol's content
1. The implementation of this biosecurity protocol requires a joint – work among departmental and municipal sports bodies.
2. This protocol has been issued to guide within the pandemic framework, the biosecurity measures which must be applied in the execution of professional football´s activities corresponding to training and competition phases.
3. Specific Measures
3.1.1. In Charge of the club Terms of health Cleaning and disinfection Training routine
3.1.2. Specific measures for people included within the footballers and coaching body lists
3.1.3. To the Competition Measures to perform closed doors matches Delivery of stadiums and various services Locative measures within the stadium Measures for matches development
3.1.4. International competitions
Monitoring of protocol compliance
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol lies on the municipal or district municipalities where each football club functions and where the training sessions and sport competitions take place. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding compliance with obligations by employers or by any another authority in the execution of its duties.
See full text of Resolution 1507 of 2020