The Superintendence of Notary and Registry, by means of Resolution 3525 granted on April 25, 2020, updated service hours for Colombian public notaries from Monday to Friday within the following in 5-hour periods: from 8AM to 1 PM for notaries located in municipalities with warm or mild weather and from 10 AM to 3 PM for notaries located in municipalities with cold weather.
Nonetheless, the notaries will be able to provide home delivery services, especially for the people in vulnerable situations and those subject to constitutional protection. Notaries will not be able to provide their services in clinics, hospitals and jails.
Notaries shall continue to implement Instruction 04 of March 16, 2020, except for home delivery service. They must also strictly comply with Resolution No. 666 of April 24, 2020 issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, adopting the Biosafety Protocol to mitigate, control and management of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.