As part of the state of health emergency caused by COVID-19, different territorial entities are restricting movement through curfews, drills, among other measures. The President issued Decree 420 of 2020, clarifying that these restrictions shall not apply in some cases, among which the following related to telecommunications and technology companies stand out:
- In the event of closure of food-service businesses, such closure may not be extended to the supply of their products through e-commerce platforms and/or home delivery.
- No restrictions may be imposed on the operation of call centers, contact centers, technical support centers that provide services in the national territory and e-commerce platforms.
- There can be no suspension of technical and support services of essential public utilities and telecommunications.
Thus, telecommunications and technology companies may rely on these exceptions to continue operations involving the mobility of their personnel for the aforementioned purposes. The exempted personnel must have proper identification that accredits the performance of their duties. In addition, the vehicles in which they are transported must have proper identification of the service they provide.