Some articles of Decree 1073 of 2015 related to the agents of the fuel

The Ministry of Mines and Energy ("MME") published a draft decree seeking to modify the Sole Regulatory Decree 1073 of 2015 (the "Draft Decree") . The Draft Decree proposes to modify several of the articles related to the agents in the chain of petroleum-derived liquid fuels, especially regarding the transportation agent

With these changes, the MME seeks the issuance of an updated, modern, and dynamic regulation, to have transparent market and to generate instruments that allow the national government to give the appropriate and timely regulatory advances, so that the agents of the fuel distribution chain contribute to the development and investment in the energy sector.

Thus, the Draft Decree establishes, among others, that:

  • The transportation of liquid fuels, biofuels and/or their mixtures, which are mobilized by land, may only be done in vehicles with tank- type bodywork. For this purpose, transporters must carry, or have continuous digital access, to the single transport guide (guía única de transporte) or the transport manifest and comply with the other requirements established in the regulations in force;
  • The MME will issue the methodology for the periodic allocation of maximum volumes of fuels with tax benefits to be distributed in the municipalities of border areas (zonas de frontera); · 
  • The MME will determine the requirements and obligations to be met by those interested in developing activities related to the distribution chain of fuels and their blends with biofuels. In this regulation, the MME may define classes or types of agents in the distribution chain of petroleum-derived liquid fuels, notwithstanding the agents already existing under the current regulation.
  • The MME will establish the provisions applicable to the supply and transportation of liquid fuels when they are distributed to final users through different mechanisms than the direct filling of liquid fuel tanks and/or their blends with biofuels of motor vehicles from the pumps; · 
  • As of June 1st, 2022, the units of measurement to be used for the volumes of petroleum-derived liquid fuels, biofuels and their blends shall be, at the same time, "gallon" and "liter", applying the conversion factor established in the respective technical regulation; and
  • The CREG shall issue regulations concerning the continuity plan for liquid fuels derived from petroleum, as well as the expansion plan for the polyduct network.

Note that the MME will receive comments and suggestions to the Draft Decree until October 21st, 2021.

To learn more about the Draft Decree, please click on the following link:

Minminas proyecto 06211021Res_Modifica el Decreto 1073 de 2015 respecto del sector de hidrocarburos-1



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