The Ministry of the Interior issued Communication 015 of 2020, through which the Ministry set made recommendations for the prevention, containment, and mitigation of the coronavirus COVID19 in ethnic groups: indigenous peoples, the NARP communities (Black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales, and Palenqueras) and the PROM people. These, taking into account that they are populations that are affected to a greater extent by social determinants of health, which generates greater vulnerability to COVID 19.
To harmonize the different provisions and guidelines issued on this matter by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, the Ministry of Labor and the Administrative Department of the Public Function, it is necessary to recommend to the target groups of the specific measures included in the Communication, such as:
- Stay in their territory.
- Implement actions to avoid leaving their territories.
- Limit the entry of people from outside the communities.
- Limit the development of community activities or mass assistance.
- Among others
Also, the Ministry warns of the special consideration that should be taken with these indigenous peoples in isolation and first contact, since, due to their situation of isolation from non-indigenous societies, they are especially vulnerable to infectious diseases, according to the provisions in Chapter 2 of title 2 of Part 5 of Book 2 of Decree 1066 of 2015, Sole Regulation of the Administrative Sector of the Interior.