The Ministry of Mines and Energy ("MME") and the National Mining Agency ("ANM") announced that, as of July 1, 2020, some terms of administrative actions that were suspended due to the global health contingency, will be restarted with the objective of reactivating the activities of the energy-mining sector. Thus, some of the activities of these entities are restored, respecting, and following the biosafety protocols established by the National Government.
First, the MME published Resolution No. 40176 of 2020, by means of which it lifted the measure of suspension of terms for the first instance-disciplinary proceedings taking place at the MME. In addition, the Ministry indicated that it would inform all disciplinary subjects of this decision, with the purpose of respecting and guaranteeing their fundamental right to due process.
To see Resolution No. 40176 of 2020, please visit the following link:: https://www.minenergia.gov.co/documents/10180//23517//48598-40176.pdf
On the other hand, the ANM reported, through its website, that it launched the new Model of Attention to Groups of Interest and Communities - MAGIC, by which the ANM intends to resolve in an efficient and timely manner the requirements of citizens, and also strengthen its customer service experience. Therefore, as of July 1st, the following services will be available:
- Notification of mining titles, mining applications, coercive collection and other acts issued by the ANM; and
- Consultation to the Digital Mining File and assistance in the processing and doubts about the new provisions of the Basic Mining Format.
These services may be carried out in person from Monday to Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
In addition, the ANM informed that, also as of July 1st, the terms of all procedures, requirements, and deadlines for administrative actions in charge of the ANM will be restored. For this purpose, the virtual attention channels are available for the presentation of documents, notices, appeals, petitions and other information through the e-mail contactenos@anm.gov.co and the web page www.anm.gov.co.
To review the complete news of the ANM, please access the following link: https://www.anm.gov.co/?q=con-protocolos-estrictos-de-bioseguridad-anm-abre-sus-oficinas-regionales