April 17th of 2020

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies issued Legislative Decree 540 of 2020, adopting the following measures to expand access to telecommunications during the state of emergency:
- Expedited approval process for requests for deployment of telecommunications infrastructure. The competent public or private entities shall respond to requests for deployment of telecommunications infrastructure (construction, connection, installation, etc.) within 10 days as of the date of the request. If there is no response within this period, positive administrative silence will operate, and its effects must be recognized by the entity within the following 72 hours.
- VAT exemption. Mobile voice and data plans, where the price does not exceed two Tax Value Units (COP$71,214 c. US$18), will be exempted from VAT (19%) during the four months following the issuance of the Decree. This exemption must be reflected in the billing to each user.
Legislative Decree 540 of 2020