Se aprueban Planes Maestros de tres aeropuertos en Colombia

By means of Resolutions 1386, 1387 and 1388 of 2020 the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aviation (Unidad Administrativa Especial de la Aeronáutica Civil) approved the documents containing the updating of the Master Plan of the following airports:

  • Benito Salas Airport in the city of Neiva.
  • Gerardo Tobar López Airport in the municipality of Buenaventura.
  • Perales Airport in the city of Ibagué.

It should be noted that the Master Plans are an Airport Planning tool, according to which the needs required by these airports in terms of infrastructure and services are determined over a 30-year horizon, established by time phases, to efficiently meet present and future demand, in accordance with local, regional and national development, considering international standards, in order to offer the region an infrastructure with a high level of competitiveness within the air transport sector.

The Master Plans corresponding to each one of the airports were socialized with the interested parties, the local and regional government entities, economic associations, and communities surrounding the airport.

All Civil Aviation concepts regarding heights within the obstacle limitation surfaces and the approach and take-off cones of aircraft, as well as land use in areas surrounding the above-mentioned airports, which have not been executed to date, will be revaluated according to what is projected in the respective Master Plans.

It is also established that any update to the Master Plans must be justified prior to the technical concept of the Airport Planning Group (Grupo Planificación Aeroportuaria).

For the development of the Master Plan, and for a minimum term of three years, the Civil Aeronautics will receive technical support from the National Infrastructure Agency (Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura  - ANI) and the IP "Iniciativa Plural Aeropuertos del Suroccidente Colombiano", developed without public resources.

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