On May 31 of this year, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá issued Decree 132 of 2020, by which it limited the free circulation of people and vehicles in Kennedy locality until June 15, 2020, with the following exceptions:
1. Supply and acquisition of food, pharmaceutical and health products and basic necessities during the hours of 5:00 am and 6:59 pm.
2. Provision of health services.
3. Care of the elderly, persons under 18 years of age, dependents, sick persons, persons with disabilities or especially vulnerable persons, or animals.
4. Public order, general security and health care.
5. Cases of force majeure or extreme necessity.
Likewise, the movement of people and vehicles related to different activities such as fuel supply, attention to medical emergencies, home supply and delivery of basic goods, banking services, private surveillance, among others, is guaranteed.
For these cases, persons and vehicles must be fully identified for the exercise of their functions and must be registered on the platform www.bogota.gov.co/bogota-cuidadora.
Employers must be inclined towards teleworking or working from home and are co-responsible for risk management.
Finally, the consumption of intoxicating beverages in open spaces and commercial establishments within the Kennedy area is prohibited.