Áreas Mineras Estratégicas

The National Mining Agency published Resolution No. 468 of August 06, 2021, by means of which it establishes the guidelines for social relations and the Social Management Plan in the development of special mining exploration and exploitation contracts in the Strategic Mining Reserve Areas (AEM) (the "Resolution"). 

First, the Resolution determines that the contractors of the AEM must comply, within the framework of the execution of the different stages of their contract, with the principles of transparency, respect, generation of trust, participation and promotion of social dialogue. 

On this basis, the Resolution set forth the activities that contractors must implement as a social relationship strategy for each of the stages of the contract, from the early technical evaluation to the dismantling and abandonment of the mine. 

Likewise, the Resolution clarifies that the contractor of an AEM may use the amounts and percentages of social investment provided for in the contract and the applicable regulations within the implementation of the Social Management Plan. For the annual execution of this investment, the contractor must define a line of investment aimed at reducing poverty and increasing the employability of the population, prioritizing the young population of the project's area of influence. 

To see the Resolution, please click on the following link: https://www.anm.gov.co/sites/default/files/resolucion-468-del-06-agosto-2021.pdf


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