Green Claims la UE contra el greenwashing

On Thursday, May 11th, the members of the European Parliament approved the new directive that aims to end "greenwashing". The main objective of this standard is to give consumers the possibility to make informed decisions about the purchase of products and services, regulating green labels and, consequently, limiting their use in the market. This directive also aims to encourage companies to offer products that are more durable and respectful of the environment and people's health. 


To this end, the following innovations are envisaged:

  • If terms such as "ecological", "natural", "biodegradable", "climate neutral" or "eco" are used on the labels, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the product meets these characteristics, through detailed tests. It is foreseen the need to obtain certifications granted by authorized and certified authorities in these matters.
  • They want to prohibit environmental claims based solely on carbon offset schemes, to promote specific GHG (greenhouse gas) mitigation actions carried out in the production process associated with the product.
  • It is intended that the products have complete information about their useful life, about the possibility of repair and their costs.


This proposal directive is part of the first circular economy package, which also includes the eco-design regulation, the construction products regulation and an own-initiative report on the EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles.

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