June 10th, 2021
Decreto 579 de 2021

As of June 1, 2021, for purposes of registration in the Sole Registry of Bidders (RUP for its Spanish acronym), the interested party shall report the accounting information for the last three (3) fiscal years. 

If the bidder does not have the 3 years of experience, it will be able to accredit such information from its first fiscal closing.

For the purposes of the registration or renewal of this Registry for the year 2022, the interested party shall report the information of the last three (3) fiscal years.

As of July 1, 2021, the chambers of commerce will certify this information. Also, as of this date, the State Entities will establish and evaluate the qualifying requirements of financial and organizational capacity taking into account the information contained in the Sole Registry of Bidders. In any case, indicators proportional to the contracting procedure will be established.


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