During the following three months, the supply limitation programs, which imply possible cuts to users, of CREG Resolution 116 of 1998 and other regulations that modify or supplement it, will not be applied.
Regarding any of the grounds provided in article 5 of the above-mentioned resolution, the ASIC shall comply with the provisions of subparagraphs (a), (b), (d) and (j) of article 9 of CREG Resolution 116 of 1998, and shall refrain from applying the provisions of the other subparagraphs.
The CND will refrain from coordinating the implementation of the program of supply limitation of Article 4 of the same resolution.
Once the time limit has expired, the procedures and programs for limiting supply that have been suspended shall be resumed at the stage at which they were left.
If necessary, the Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission will review the appropriateness of extending the deadline.
This resolution also establishes that, during the following three months, those marketers who, on the date of commencement of the mandatory isolation provided for in Decree 457 of 2020, had registered in the Wholesale Market for agents or for agents and users, or who had applied for registration before that date, shall not be withdrawn from the Wholesale Energy Market, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 19 and following of CREG Resolution 156 of 2011.
Once this period has expired, the stages of Article 20 will continue to be applied from the point at which they were left, and the respective procedures will be initiated for those who incur the causes of Article 19 of CREG Resolution 156 of 2011, after the date referred to.
Finally, non-compliance with the payment of the obligations of the months of April and May, shall give rise to the payment of a delay interest corresponding to the ordinary commercial credit rate for Total Credit Establishments, of the Weekly Report on Rate and Disbursements by Credit Modality, Total Banks, published by the Superintendence of Finance of Colombia.