The mechanism to carry out the commercialization of the increased availability of LPG from the Cusiana source.
The wholesale marketer of source with regulated price may offer LPG from the Cusiana source, not offered in accordance with the provisions of letter d of Article 6 of CREG Resolution 053 of 2011, taking into account the following elements:
- During the month of April, the LPG to be marketed shall specifically correspond to the increased production generated by the reprogramming of the maintenance at the Cusiana source.
- The marketing of this increased availability shall be carried out under the terms provided for in Articles 13 and 14 of CREG Resolution 053 of 2011 for additional OPC.
- The provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 13 of CREG Resolution 053 of 2011, as amended by CREG Resolution 064 of 2016, shall not apply to the quantities marketed in this additional OPC.
- This additional OPC shall be open to all distributors and users not regulated under the terms of Article 12 of CREG Resolution 053 of 2011. For the process of quantity allocation, the entire country will be considered as a zone of influence of this source, so it will not be necessary to fill out the process for requesting zones of influence before the CREG.
- The wholesale marketer, in charge of advancing the additional OPC, shall give a minimum period of forty-eight (48) hours, from the publication of the tender, to allow the agents to submit their purchase requests.
The wholesale marketer of regulated price sources and the LPG distributors or wholesale marketers representing them, who have LPG supply contracts in force within the framework of the OPC for the first half of 2020, may, by mutual agreement, within five (5) working days following the entry into force of Resolution CREG 038 of 2020:
- Change the amounts they have hired for the remainder of the PPO.
- Incorporate changes to the delivery points, subject to the application of the maximum regulated price corresponding to the source initially agreed in the supply contract and that, in adjusting the delivery point, the wholesale marketer recognizes the greater value in the transport cost that the buyer must assume for withdrawing the product in a different location.
In order to be able to carry out the modifications or changes referred to above, the wholesale marketers who represented distributors for the OPC in the first half of 2020, must have the respective authorizations of the distributors within the supply contracts they have in force.
It should be noted that this resolution is effective as from its publication in the Official Journal.