The Corporation for the Sustainable Development of Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina (“CORALINA”) issued Resolution 182 of June 2020, which establishes measures to regulate the use and exploitation of water resources on the Island of San Andrés.

Suspensión de permisos de prospección/concesión de aguas subterráneas

The Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina (“CORALINA”) issued Resolution 182 of June 2020, which adopts measures to regulate the use and exploitation of water resources on the Island of San Andrés.

Among the measures established by CORALINA, the environmental authority establishes the definitive suspension of the procedures to obtain groundwater concession, prospection and exploration permits. Also, a regime of exceptions is established, according to which, the procedures will continue for those requests filed by companies that provide water services, as well as for those from government entities, which purpose corresponds to the supply of water for the population.



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