Decree 847 of June 14, 2020, has modified Decree 749 of 2020, which ordered the mandatory preventive isolation in Colombia from June 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020. The changes are specifically for the following measures:
1. Outdoor sports
2. Activities that are not allowed
2.1. Events that involve crowds.
2.2. Recreational and entertainment establishments.
2.3. Gastronomic establishments - Only can operate by domicile.
2.4. Gyms, swimming pools, spas, amusement parks, etc.
2.5. Cinemas and theatres.
2.6. Sports practice and group exercise
2.7. Religious services involving crowds.
Swimming pools and sports centres Only for individual sports practice and for professional athletes.
Theatresa Activities without public access and crowds are allowed
3. Towns not affected by the COVID-19
Restaurants: Public service may be authorized in restaurants following biosecurity protocols. Pilot plans authorized by the mayors must be followed.
Religious services: May be allowed with the authorization of the mayors and compliance with biosecurity protocols.
4. Gradual opening of airports