Tax Reform Bill was approved by the Congress of the Republic

Tax Reform Bill

Bill of law 118/2022 House and 131/2022 Senate, whereby a tax reform for equality and social justice is adopted and other provisions are enacted, was approved in its last debate by the Congress of the Republic and will be submitted to conciliation. 

This bill must comply the following steps in order to become a law:

  1. Conciliation process that will be performed by a special commission, integrated by senators and representatives, which shall agree on the texts approved in the Senate and in the House of Representatives. 
  2. Presidential approval. 
  3. Publication.


The conciliation process is expected to be completed the week between November 7 and 11, 2022.


Minergía1 published the investment plan for renewable energy integration

Renewable Energy

The Ministry of Mines and Energy published the Investment Plan for Colombia, which contemplates the mobilization of US$230 million, in the Renewable Energy Integration Program of the Climate Investment Funds, whose objective is to promote and support the energy transition in the country, through concessional financing and non-refundable technical assistance. 

This plan will enable the country to confront climate change and its impacts on society, ecosystems and biodiversity, contributing to the achievement of commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030. 

The document was published for comments from interested parties and the public in general.

1 Spanish acronym for Ministry of Mines and Energy



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