COP- USD Exchange rate

COP- USD Exchange Rate 14 FebruaryNovember_13 copia



This is the proposed Government's National Development Plan

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo

The National Government submitted to the Congress of the Republic, for discussion and approval, its draft National Development Plan 2022 - 2026 entitled “Colombia World Power of Life”. The proposal is contained in 300 articles and was built with the results of the dialogues carried out with citizens located in the country and abroad, and incorporates the proposals of the current government plan.

According to the document, the final purpose of this new National Development Plan is the consolidation of Total Peace. The text proposes five transformation axes and three transversal ones. 

Transformation axes:
Transformation axes

Transversal Axes:

Transversal Axes

The project includes regulations related to several economic activities, human rights, structure and operation of the state and public services, among which the following are highlighted:



Relevant aspects


Climate change, forest reserve use, National Parks.


Agricultural reform, cadastre, land administration system, use of reserve zones and vacant land, rural property, second occupants, special funds, social housing and credit.

International trade

Establishment of a "smart tariff".


Access to higher education, state exams, inclusive education, education models and credit.


Financial inclusion, financial portability, low-value payment systems, dormant accounts and agricultural credit.

Real State

Multipurpose cadastre, subsidies, financing and social housing.


Decent work, labor inclusion of people with disabilities, formal employment, public employment, care economy, occupational hazards and public employment.

Mining and Energy

Energy transition, green hydrogen, open pit mining ban, fuel price stabilization funds and liquid fuels in border areas.

Public sector

Public procurement, state-owned companies and state structure.

Public services

Coverage, subsidies, infrastructure, funds, prior consultation, river and rail transportation, public transportation, zero waste and water is water for life programs, rail corridors and airports.


Transfer systems, popular economy, population with disabilities, women, youth, senior citizens, ethnic minorities and farmers.


Healthcare contributions of retirees, health liquidators, ADRES1, access to information, recoveries, health system resources, migrants, IETS, and infrastructure.


Television and radio broadcasting, connectivity, considerations, differential charges and obligations, strengthening of the sector, infrastructure and innovation.


Finally, the Congress of the Republic is requested to grant thirteen extraordinary powers, for a term of up to six months, so that the President of the Republic may issue regulations with the force of law aimed at:

Extraordinary powers

1 Colombian acronym for Administrator of the Resources of the General Social Security System (“ADRES”)



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