COP- USD Exchange Rate 29 august



Environmental management guidelines for transportation infrastructure projects were adopted and updated for 2022

transportation infrastructure projects

The Ministry of Transportation (the "MinTransporte") and the National Roads Institute ("INVIAS") published Resolution No. 2335 of 2022, through which the environmental management guidelines for road, maritime and fluvial infrastructure projects for 2022 were adopted and updated.

This resolution clarifies that the Guidelines are a technical, conceptual, methodological, and procedural reference to support the management, handling and environmental performance of projects, works and activities for the improvement, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation infrastructure and do not exempt from the compliance with current environmental regulations.



New regulation on the collection of shared payments or co-payments and moderating fees from affiliates of the social security health system

payments from affiliates of the social security health

The Ministry of Health issued Decree 1652 of 2022 related to the applicable regime for the collection of shared payments or co-payments and moderating fees from affiliates of the General Social Security Health System.

The co-payments and moderating fees are a source of income of the Health System and are calculated according on the base contribution income of the contributing affiliate at the time the service is rendered and considering the progressiveness in the socioeconomic level. The regulation included provisions establishing exoneration and exemption of co-payments and moderating fees. 

Among the services subject to moderating fees are general and specialized outpatient medical and dental consultations, outpatient consultations by a nutritionist, optometry, speech therapy, drugs for outpatient treatment, clinical laboratory diagnostic tests, emergency services for patients in triage categories IV and V. 

On the other hand, health services and technologies to which members of the General Social Security Health System are entitled, including complementary services identified in the MIPRES technological tool, are subject to co-payments.

The Decree became effective as of its publication, on August 6, 2022, but its provisions are applicable as of August 1, 2022, and it adds Decree 780 of 2016.



Learn about the Superintendency of finance green finance strategy

green finance strategy

The Superintendency of Finance ("SuperFinanciera") presented the document entitled "Towards the Greening of the Colombian Financial System: Green Finance and Climate Change Strategy of the Colombian Superintendency of finance", which provides guidelines to manage the risks and opportunities for the financial sector associated with climate change.

The strategy includes: a green taxonomy, frameworks for financial innovation, availability of data, metrics and information, incorporation of ESG issues, tools for measuring and supervising climate risks. In addition, the document contains a roadmap by industry for compliance with the strategy.



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