COP- USD Exchange Rate

COP- USD Exchange Rate 17 august



New measures for the attention of hydrocarbons and liquid fuels supply emergencies

hydrocarbons and liquid fuels supply

The Ministry of Mines and Energy ("MME") issued Decree 1648 of 2022, through which the rules for the attention of national and international emergencies that affect the supply of hydrocarbons and liquid fuels were established. The MME will be in charge of the configuration of a national emergency regarding hydrocarbons and liquid fuels, since the distribution of liquid fuels derived from petroleum is a public service. On the other hand, the international emergency regarding hydrocarbons and liquid fuels will only be configured when the International Energy Agency initiates a collective action, and provided that Colombia is an active member. 



Inclusion of benefits in the health system for visually impaired people


Through Law 2266 of 2022, the Congress of the Republic ordered the inclusion of the white baton with red lower end in the benefit plan of the general health system in the benefit plan of the general health system, the Ministry of Health, for visually impaired people, thus advancing in the compliance with the obligations of the Colombian State derived from its quality of party to the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. It is important to highlight that the white baton is a fundamental technological tool to guarantee the rights to mobility, health and integral wellbeing of visually impaired people, which justifies its inclusion in the benefits plan of the social security health system. 



These are the deadlines for the implementation of admission validation system for professional soccer events


The Ministry of Sports issued Decree 1622 of 2022, through which phases, deadlines and responsible parties were established for the implementation of the National Validation System, as a security mechanism established for coexistence in professional soccer in Colombia. The validation system is defined as a technological development - Software that will allow verifying the existence of sanctions in force prohibiting entry to sports venues, as well as the validation of identity, verification of security measures and other judicial requirements.



Learn about the regulations on cultural landscapes

cultural landscapes

Through Decree 1516 of 2022, issued by the Ministry of Culture, cultural landscapes were regulated, based on their consideration as a constituent and necessary element in the process of declaring Cultural Interest Assets (BIC), along with movable and immovable property.  This regulation requires the actors of the culture sector to direct their efforts for the implementation and declaration of cultural landscapes as BIC, for which it will be necessary the territorial articulation at the municipal level. 



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