By means of Resolution 797 of May 20, 2020, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (the “Ministry of Health”) adopted the biosecurity protocol for the management and control of COVID-19 in the mining and energy sector (the “Resolution").
This Resolution is issued as a complement to the general biosafety protocol for all economic and social activities of the public administration sector implemented by the Ministry of Health through Resolution 666 of April 24, 2020. Thus, the technical annex of the Resolution establishes the general biosecurity measures to be adopted in the mining and energy sector in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission from human to human during the development of activities.
Therefore, companies in the mining and energy sector should adopt a biosafety protocol which, if possible, should be published on the company's website. Among the measures that companies must adopt in the protocol are the following:
The protocol must be shared and socialized with the municipal management of the area of influence, through procedures that do not imply the face-to-face meetings or workspaces.
Adopt operating schemes that guarantee the continuity of the service or activity and that allow reducing the risk of contagion for company workers and personnel.
Appoint a worker to ensure compliance with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Promote and implement the use of technological tools that reduce contact between people.
Train workers in the basic aspects related to the transmission of COVID-19, prevention of contagion and biosecurity measures. The training must be carried out through safety talks prior to the initiation of work activities, or through internal communication media, self-speakers, and other means that the company deems appropriate.
Restrict access to company facilities to people outside the company.
Define a protocol for the management of people who have symptoms or who have been diagnosed with the virus.
Identify workers and contractors who are over 70 years old, or who have a pre-existing condition that are susceptible to the effects of COVID-19.
Document the morbidity and absenteeism of workers diagnosed with COVID-19, as well the evidence of management carried out regarding the measures adopted to prevent mitigate and contain the spread of COVID-19, in case the competent authority request them.
Establish procedures for the reinstatement of workers who have had respiratory symptoms or who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Establish open communication channels with the EPS or the corresponding health entities and the ARLs.
Establish open communication channels so that workers and contractors can report any suspicion, symptom, or contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
Guarantee that the personnel in charge of supplying food comply with the guidelines of good practices for food handling defined by the Ministry of Health.
Perform disinfection of tables and chairs surfaces, between workers' serving shifts.
In the case in which the food is not supplied by the company, a person in charge of handling the microwave ovens must be appointed who will be responsible for disinfecting the microwave oven before each use.
The LPG cylinder distribution companies must disinfect the cylinders before delivering it to the users, as well as when they receive the empty cylinders.
Define and promote a handwashing routine.
Develop and implement a respiratory protocol.
Procure the supply of antibacterial gel and disinfection products in all areas where there is personnel.
Perform and increase the frequency of a full cleaning and disinfection process of work tools and places normally used. Likewise, the company must establish a protocol for the correct daily cleaning and disinfection of work tools and personal protection items, as well as to provide the necessary products for the cleaning processes.
Have an emergency equipment and medicine cabinets of items such as face masks, latex gloves, and other items to be supplied to workers according to the appropriate work.
Take the necessary measures to guarantee air circulation in closed spaces.
Adopt operating schemes that reduce the risk of infection, such as flexible hours, shift schedules, and remote working when it is possible. However, it must be ensured that administrative or non-essential personnel work from their homes.
Define staggered work schedules in order to avoid the accumulation of personnel.
Seek to maintain a distance of at least two meters between people. When the work to be performed requires a shorter distance, it is recommended that all the personnel permanently uses mouth covers. nevertheless, the company must guarantee a daily supply of mouth cover and train the personnel in their use.
Implement routine temperature takings at the entrance and exit of each shift of employees, as well as the performance of random temperature measurements.
During the journey to work areas, the personnel should avoid contact or closeness with other people, seeking to maintain a minimum distance of two meters.
Deny access to dining areas to personnel who have flu or cough symptoms.
Adapt the reception facilities by isolating the employee in charge of attention to staff.
Allow employees to stay home if they must take care of a sick family member.
Establish efficient communication channels for the notification of suspicious cases.
The Resolution is available at the following link: