January 5th, 2021

The National Mining Agency published the draft resolution by means of which it repeals Resolution 406 of June 28, 2019 and modifies Resolution 318 of June 20, 2018, adopting the terms of reference applicable to the draft of Social Management programs and projects in the execution of mining projects and dictates other provisions (the "Project").

The Project intends to implement the Social Management Plan as a systematic, continuous, orderly and integral management instrument that consolidates the programs, projects and activities developed by a mining concessionaire to prevent, mitigate and attend to the social risks generated by the development of the mining project, as well as to increase the opportunities and benefits generated by it.

On this basis, the Social Management Plans: (i) would have as its main input the minutes of the public participation hearing resulting from the mining title process; the minutes of the meeting held with the mayor or mayors of the municipality or municipalities where the mining title is located; and (ii) should involve the national, departmental and municipal development plans and generate spaces for information with the mayors of the municipalities where they operate and with the community located in the area of influence of the mining project.

Therefore, the Project is intended to implement, as a prioritization criterion within the strategic lines defined in the terms of reference of the Social Management Plans of  large-scale mining concession contracts, the investment in the provision of domiciliary public services to the communities located in the area of influence of the mining project.

Thus, the Project will modify articles 5 and 6 of Resolution 318 of 2018 regarding: (i) the scope of the Social Management Plan, which must be proportionate with the size of the mining project; and (ii) the minimum content of such plan, which will depend on the size of the project, its area of influence and the risk analysis of the social impacts generated by the mining project in the target area. 

To check the Project, please click on the following link: https://www.anm.gov.co/sites/default/files/DocumentosAnm/proyecto-resolucion-modifi_318.pdf


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