January 25th,2021
ANLA included new activities in the list of evaluation fees

By means of Resolution 02039 of December 16th, 2020 (henceforth the “Resolution”), the National Authority of Environmental Licenses (by its acronym in Spanish “ANLA”) modified the fee structure that is established for the evaluation and monitoring services of licenses, permits and other instruments of environmental management and control. 

Said modification establishes: (i) the inclusion of a new item to the list of activities that are subject to evaluation fees in the monitoring stage; (ii) an adjustment to Tables 2, 20, 23 and 25, and (iii) the inclusion of Tables 29 and 30.

As per the Resolution, the new activity that was included is identified with the number 24 and corresponds to the Environmental Management of packaging waste.

Please find below the tables of the Single Annex of the Resolution that were updated by ANLA:

- Table 2. Projects, works or activities of the Mining Sector Evaluation -and Modification. Includes: Coal mining and other minerals in the evaluation process and in the modification process.
- Table 20. Projects, works, or activities of the Mining Sector - Environmental Monitoring. Includes: Coal mining and other minerals from ordinary and complex projects.
- Table 23. Projects, works or activities in the Agrochemical Sector - Monitoring. Includes: Large, medium, and small pesticide production plants; Importation of pesticides, and Activities for the eradication of illicit crops. 
- Table 25. Environmental Permits – Monitoring. It includes:
•    Selective Waste Collection Systems (individual and collective).
•    Use and Exploitation of Natural Resources.
•    Rational Use of Plastic Bags Program.
•    Register of Detergents and Soaps for Industrial Use.
•    Permit for the collection of specimens of wild species of biological diversity, for the purpose of preparing environmental studies.
•    Reverse logistics management plan for drugs, expired drugs, used lead acid batteries and pesticides. 
•    Dynamic Test.
•    Falconry permit.
•    Permit as provider of Electronic Marking.
•    Cross-Border movement of Hazardous Waste.
•    Integration of Environmental Obligations and / or compensation.

Additionally, Table 29 determine the fee proceeding that apply to requests for pronouncement of ANLA regarding minor change of licensed projects, for the following sectors: 

(i) Hydrocarbons. 
(ii) Energy, Dams, Inter-basin water transfers, and Reservoirs. 
(iii) Mining. 
(iv) Agrochemicals. 
(v) Infrastructure. 

In this regard, the Resolution clarifies that the works and activities that are expressly listed in each of the regulations that define the cases applicable to minor changes for each sector are exempt from this collection proceeding.

Finally, Table 30 defines the fee proceeding for monitoring of the Environmental Management Plans of packaging waste.


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