June 18, 2020

On June 12, 2020, the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published the Addendum No. 13 to the Permanent Bidding Process ("PPAA"), by means of which it modifies the schedule of the process and Annex B of the terms of reference - "Exploratory Programs and Evaluation Criteria". 

Regarding the schedule of the PPAA, the Addendum No. 13 set forth new dates as follows: 

  • The publication of the land map with the areas subject to the Nation-Territory coordination and concurrence procedure for the Third Cycle of the PPAA will be carried out on July 15, 2020. 

  • The publication of the land map with the areas covered by the PPAA will take place on 18 August 2020. 

  • The deadline for submitting Letter of Intent and Expression of Interest in an area, will be until 30 June 2020. The ANH will evaluate such expressions of interest until July 10, 2020, and it will publish the areas that are incorporated into the PPAA (whose expression of interest was given by June 30, 2020) on August 18, 2020. 

It is important to remember that the Letter of Intent and Expression of Interest is one of the changes introduced for the Third Cycle of the PPAA  by means of Addendum No. 12, with the aim of giving those interested parties a different alternative to participate in the process. New deadline to submit them is June 30. Click on the following link for more information: https://bu.com.co/es/noticias/interes-para-participar-en-el-ppaa-sera-recibido-hasta-el-17-de-junio

On the other hand, regarding the Annex B "Exploratory Programs and Evaluation Criteria" of the PPAA, the Addendum No. 13 modified the evaluation criteria according to the type of area, particularly in relation to the primary evaluation factor and the exercise of the option to improve the most favorable counter-offer. 

To see the Addendum No. 13, please click on the following link:  https://www.anh.gov.co/Asignacion-de-areas/Paginas/PPAADefinitivo.aspx



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