ANS Contratación Temporal

With the interest of establishing an expeditious mechanism for the temporary contracting of the areas in production that have been returned to the ANH due to the end of the production period and/or the reversal of concessions, and with the objective of increasing and maintaining the country's hydrocarbon reserves, and guaranteeing the continuity of production in order to procure the economic benefit of the Colombian State and receipt of resources destined to the System General of Royalties, the ANH, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of Law 1437 of 2011, publishes for comments the text of the Draft  Agreement "By which Agreement No.3 of 2022 is modified and complementary provisions are dictated."

The draft agreement contains two articles:

  1. The first seeks to add a new article (Article 26) to Agreement 03 of 2022 called "Temporary Contracting of the Exploitation", which allows the ANH to directly and temporarily contract the exploitation of areas that have been returned due to the end of its production period or the reversal of concessions, as long as the Net Present Value of its subscription is higher for the Nation compared to the non-execution of a new contract. 
  2. The new contract process would be carried out under Article 16 of Agreement 3 of 2022 with the objective of selecting a contractor to carry out the exploitation of the area until the resource is exhausted or until its exploitation ceases to be economically viable.
  3. The contracting model will be under the contractual figure of the Shared Production Minute, approved by Agreement 6 of 2022.

The text of the draft agreement can be consulted at the following link:
Draft Agreement modifies ac 03 2022

The observations to the draft Agreement must be filed in the following LINK,  until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023:
Format of observations

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