The National Hydrocarbons Agency (“ANH") published the Addendum No. 3 of the terms of reference of the Permanent Process for Allocation of Areas ("PPAA"), which amends the schedule of the PPAA in order to expedite the award and signing of the E&P contracts that were not the subject of counteroffers.


The National Hydrocarbons Agency (“ANH") published on June 27, 2019 the Addendum No. 3, which amended the schedule of the Permanent Process for Allocation of Areas ("PPAA").
With the purposes of expediting the award of areas and the signing contracts that were not subject of counteroffers, and taking into consideration that in the first cycle of the PPAA, 10 of the proposals received no counterproposals, the ANH modifies the schedule and brings forward the date of allocation of areas and execution of contracts in relation to those areas in respect of which no counteroffers were not submitted. 

Thus, the timeline the PPAA, only with regard to the stage of areas allocation, awarding and execution of contracts has been amended as follows: 

Stage of Allocation of Areas, Awarding and Execution of Contract
  Ciclo 1 Ciclo 2 Ciclo 3
Allocation of areas subject to COUNTEROFFERS July 16, 2019 September 26, 2019 December 9, 2019
Signing Contracts Since July 17, 2019 Since September 27, 2019 Since December 10, 2019
Allocation of areas in respect to which no Counteroffers were submitted July 3, 2019 24/09/19 December 5, 2019
Signing Contracts Since July 4, 2019 Desde el 25/09/19 Since december 6, 2019


For more information on the new timeframe and major modifications to the terms of reference, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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