18 of september of 2020
Addendum No. 16 to the PPAA modifies terms in its qualification phase

The National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published Addendum No. 16 to the Permanent Process of Allocation of Areas ("PPAA") through which the schedule of the PPAA is modified. 

Specifically, Addendum No. 16 to the PPAA extends the term granted for the clarification, complementation, or adjustment of the applications for qualification of interested parties that were duly received and evaluated by the ANH, as follows: 

• September 30th, 2020 will be deadline for the ANH to study the documents, request clarifications and adjustments of the information filed by the interested parties, in the time granted for such purpose, to become qualified in the PPAA or to update its qualification. 
• The publication of the preliminary list of qualified companies will take place on October 1st, 2020. 
• The observations and comments to the preliminary list of qualified companies can be made between October 2nd and October 3rd, 2020. 
• Finally, the responses of the ANH to the observations and the publication of the final list of qualified companies will take place on October 5th, 2020. 

Please click on the following link to see the Addendum No. 16 to the PPAA:



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