María Camila Rivera Flórez

María Camila Rivera Flórez

“Being an intern at Brigard Urrutia has been much more than just a suitable opportunity for my personal and professional development as a law student, it has given me the chance to learn the skills of this profession and has enriched me with the commitment and human quality of everyone who has been part of this team. I am left with more than just great memories; I am left with knowledge for my entire life and enormous gratitude.”

Mariana Mattos Guzmán

Mariana Mattos Guzmán

“One of my goals in life was to belong to- and to get to know the team of BU and BC. Having had this opportunity, I have the wish to continue to learn from the best. Those have been seven weeks where I have experienced the true job of a lawyer by facing new challenges which made me get the best out of me. Thanks to everyone who has made this dream become reality.”

Martín Peña Cuéllar

Martín Peña Cuéllar

“Most of my life it has taken a great effort and a lot of hard and disciplined work to reach my objectives. The possibility of working alongside qualified professionals, who have been able to positively influence my formation as a future professional has strongly confirmed this goal. The BU summer internship shows that one always must think with a cool head and invest maximum effort and to receive constructive criticism. All of this for a common goal, due to which we are all working constantly and with discipline. Thank you Brigard Urrutia! ”

Mateo Vásquez Villa

Mateo Vásquez Villa

“I would like to thank Brigard Urrutia for letting me participate in the 2017 summer internship. I have no doubt that this experience has been enriching from both, a personal and professional perspective. Having the possibility to work daily with upright, dedicated and caring lawyers in order to always provide the best possible service has opened my eyes to an infinity of opportunities and knowledge that one can only have obtained at an institution of this level. The administrative personnel, as well as the lawyers and associates have made a great effort to make this opportunity an important moment for my future. The knowledge that these seven weeks have given me, is truly indescribable, be it in terms of administrative issues in a firm or the practical application of the law learned at university, or the building of relationships with clients.”

Natalia Andrea Vanegas Feliz

Natalia Andrea Vanegas Feliz

“Seven weeks have not been enough to live the full experience of the summer internship. Having arrived at BU – BC I did not have a clear idea of what the internship would be like.  However, during this period of time, I have got to know an internationally recognised firm which combines the ideal work environment, the necessary intellectual challenges for the best law students and an exemplary discipline. The lawyers, my colleagues and the administrative personnel have provided me with great memories and knowledge which I will be able to apply in my professional and personal life. Today I would only like to thank BU – BC for giving me this opportunity and to thank every single person who accompanied me in this experience. Thanks a lot!”

Rocío Vázquez Blázquez

Rocío Vázquez Blázquez

"These seven weeks at BU have allowed me to get to know how a big firm works and how the teams relate to one another when collaboration is required. Brigard Urrutia inspires you to excel oneself, to give the best and improve a little bit with every single day. The philosophy of effort, continuity and sacrifice is felt in all the teams the firm consist of and this, especially at the beginning of one’s career, is of an incredible value, as if you internalise them deeply, they will accompany you throughout your entire working life. At a personal level, as a foreigner, the summer internship has given me the opportunity to discover this marvellous country, with it richness, unknown to those of us, who are not Colombian and to get to know a people which always makes you feel welcome, by giving you all their kindness and hospitality from the first day on. I will always have great memories about this experience, a greater wish to come back and even greater people and friends. Summarising the experience at Brigard Urrutia, I can say that it has been enriching in all the aspects of my life and that I can highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to get to know in a comparable firm of high achievement, like Brigard Urrutia. I can only thank everyone with whom I have had the chance of working for their patience, valuable lessons and tips. Thanks a lot for the Brigard Urrutia opportunity.”